Regaining Ground

I wanted to give everyone an update on my own fitness training and on the Sierra Sisters.  I’d love to hear how your training is going as well.  First, the Sierra Sisters are just days away from completing their fundraising before they complete their challenge, just after the July 4th weekend.  My husband and I donated a quilt to help them with their fundraising. I hope you will take the time to learn more about their efforts and support their fundraising

As for my own training, this past Saturday, I was able to join the Sierra Sisters for one final hike before returning to Santa Cruz, California for the summer.  I was stoked to be able to complete the first section of their hike to the Lollipop Tree.  Although I was sore afterwards, it was nothing that a little magnesium spray and a magnesium salt bath couldn’t ease.

Between the physical therapy I’ve been doing, as well as the swimming, cycling and hiking, my strength and cardio have clearly improved.  It’s true that I don’t have the strength and stamina that I had twenty years ago but it felt so good to see that I was regaining some of the ground I’d lost. I cannot tell you how great it felt to be back on my road bike. I was able to join a group of cyclist that meet every Wednesday at a coffee shop to ride around the area.   Each ride is roughly 12-15 miles.

I need to regroup now that I’m returning to Santa Cruz.  I will have lots of hills to hike there.    Unfortunately, the nearest pool is farther away 30 minutes away.  I won’t have my bicycles there.  I do hope to get in the ocean though and do some paddling.

What are your plans to get outside and stay fit over the summer?


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