Origin Story

A number of years ago, my husband, his father and a girlfriend of mine from England decided to climb Mt. Whitney.  After three days of backpacking and sleeping in tents we were almost back to the trail head where we started.   Needless to say we were looking forward to getting cleaned up and eating something other than backpacker provisions.  We passed a couple of young women starting out at the beginning of their trip to climb Mt. Whitney just as we were completing our trip.   My father-in-law jokingly asked why my girlfriend and I didn’t look as trail fresh as the young gals that passed us heading out on their trip.  Seriously, right, but that comment lead to tons of laughing and kidding around about what it would take for us gals to be able to look and feel great while enjoying the wilderness on our backpacking trips.  

Although that’s how this blog got its name, that isn’t the point of the blog.  Over the years, I have continually aimed to exercise and eat well as a way of living a happy healthy life.  In this blog, I share my experiences and any wisdom I’ve gained in my journey. The name Trail Babes was chosen because a big part of that journey includes a lifetime of adventures with friends.


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